Our company is the leading company on the development and methodical support of process of implementation and functioning of industrial safety and occupational safety management system in the organizations operating hazardous production facilities.
In recent years our specialists developed Industrial safety and occupational safety management systems for such large companies as AK «ALROSA», OAO «SIBUR Holding», OAO «Ufaneftekhim», OAO «Gazpromraspredeleniye», OAO «Evrazruda», OAO «Gazprom neft», AO «Nord Stream AG», OOO « Gazprom flot», and others, the audits of Industrial safety management systems were conducted in a number of organizations operating hazardous production facilities.
Development of new economic relationship in our country required transition to new forms and methods of regulation in the field of industrial safety and occupational safety.
Effective mechanism of regulation of industrial safety and occupational safety is creation and implementation effectively functioning Industrial safety and occupational safety management systems in the large industrial companies.
The purpose of creation of such systems is ensuring the level of industrial safety and the status of labor protection in the company, at which the risk of accidents and injuries emergence would correspond to the formed level of development of the equipment and technology, status of society development.
The causes of creation and implementation of Industrial safety and occupational safety management system in the companies is striving of management to:
- Create the most rational mechanism of industrial safety and occupational safety management;
- Reduce the risk of accident and injuries emergence;
- achieve continuous increase in level of industrial safety and a status of labor protection;
- to achieve competitive advantages owing to compliance with international requirements in the field of industrial safety and occupational safety.
Need in development and implementation of industrial safety management system in the organizations operating hazardous production facilities of I or II class of hazard is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.