- Conducting advanced training on industrial safety of leaders and specialists of hazardous production facilities;
- conducting thematic seminars on urgent problems of industrial safety and technical regulation;
- conducting pre-certification training on general and specific requirements of industrial safety for the Russian and foreign companies, including:
- methodical assistance in carrying out certification and execution of documents on certification in the commissions of the subsupervised organization;
- certification of the qualified users of software complex TOXI+Risk;
- development of organizational documents regulating procedure of incompany training, pre-certification training, certification and knowledge testing in the field of industrial safety;
- development of methodical support of providing for training of the employees within the frame of incompany training on industrial safety;
- development of electronic textbooks on industrial safety for incompany training;
- development of complex of tests for knowledge testing of the employees (both specialists, and workers of primary occupations) according to the local normative acts considering specifics of organization activity (standards of the organization, manuals, provisions, etc.).
Educational and methodical center of training on industrial safety (EMCTIS) was formed in 1999. EMCTIS is equipped with educational audiences with modern office equipment. Training is conducted by STC “Industrial Safety” CJSC and ANO “Industrial risk research agency” highly qualified specialists participated in the development of the legislative and normative-legal acts, having great practical experience of work, as well as lecturers of high educational institutions and training centers, lead specialists of the supervisory authorities.
More than 15000 specialists used EMCTIS services for the last 11 years.
- regular highly skilled personnel participating in the developments of legislative and normative-legal acts in the field of industrial safety and technical regulation;
- more than ten-year successful work experience of the educational and methodical center in the field of training and certification on industrial safety; work on a long-term basis within the frame of signed bilateral agreements;
- availability of the unique methodical developments on conducting training and testing of foreign (English-speaking) specialists;
- activity in full compliance with the requirements of normative-legal acts in the field of training and certification;
- possibility of conducting pre-certification training of leaders and specialists of the foreign companies in the field of industrial safety;
- variability of the form of education: full-time education or webinar;
- Possibility of receipt of the consultations from the lead specialists, developers of the fundamental normative-legal acts on industrial safety;
- mobility – conducting pre-certification training in the field of industrial safety of the leaders and specialists at the Client’s site;
- cooperation with regional educational training centers;
- convenient location: center of Moscow, metro station Baumanskaya;
- complex approach.
- 60 seats lecture hall for conducting seminars
- Computer class
- Multimedia equipment for ensuring presentation of educational process
- Means of video broadcasting of seminars via the Internet (online)
- Normative and methodical materials, safety rules in the Russian and English languages
- Specialized software
- Advanced training;
- thematic and practical seminars;
- pre-certification training of leaders and specialists in the field of industrial safety;
- training on occupational safety and knowledge testing of occupational safety of the organization’s employees;
- development and support of programs on training and certification of the employees of the organizations supervised by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service;
- certification of the qualified users of software complex TOXI+Risk.
Contact information on the issues of organization of complex pre-certification training on industrial safety and occupational safety:
Director of the Scientific-Methodical Center of STC “Industrial safety” CJSC Ph.D. in Engineering Science, associate professor
Gontarenko Alexander Fedorovich
Telephone: +7 (495) 620-47-41
E-mail: gontarenko@safety.ru
Telephones of EMCTIS:
(495) 620-47-42
(495) 789-37-44
(495) 789-37-39
E-mail: 6204742@safety.ru