- Services on conducting hazards analysis (HAZOP/ HAZID, etc) and quantitative risk assessment of industrial accidents, including fire risk);
- Development of substantiation of safety, declaration of industrial and fire safety; plans of activities on containment and liquidation of accidents consequences (PACLAC), and plan of actions on prevention and liquidation of oil and oil products spills (PAPLOOPS);
- Assessment of blast resistance of buildings (control rooms) in case of accidents at hazardous production facilities;
- Calculation of nonstationary processes (hydraulic impact) in the pipeline systems;
- Conducting industrial safety expertise, including substantiation of safety and industrial safety declaration;
- Methodical documents on hazards analysis and quantitative risk assessment of industrial accidents;
- Software complex TOXI+Risk for calculation of accidents consequences and risk assessment (including fire risk).
Risk analysis includes hazards analysis and accident risk assessment at hazardous production facilities (HPF). Risk analysis – special scientific and technical method for proper execution of the following procedures of ensuring HPF industrial safety:
- Substantiation of safety
- HPF Industrial safety declaration
- Risk analysis of technological processes hazards HAZID/HAZOP
- Accident quantitative risk assessment at HPF
- Use of computational hydrodynamic methods (CFD – modeling), software complex FLACS
- Risk assessment of explosion and destruction of buildings, structures in case of accidents at HPF
- Calculation of fire risk at hazardous production facilities
- Development of Project Specific Technical Specifications (PSTS/STY) for HPF
Information about some works on risk analysis and industrial safety declaration fulfilled by our specialists.
- Safety Guide «Methodical bases on conducting hazards analysis and accident risk assessment at hazardous production facilities.» (approved by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 11.04.2016 № 144) – instead of RD 03-418-01;
- Safety Guide "Methods of accidents risk assessment at hazardous production facilities of the objects of oil and gas processing, oil and gas chemical industry". (appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 27.12.2013 № 646);
- Safety Guide "Methodical recommendations on conducting quantitative risk analysis at hazardous production facilities of the main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines ". (appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 17.06.2016 № 228);
- Safety Guide "Methods of assessment accidents consequences of emergency explosions of air-fuel mixtures" (appr. by thr Order of Rostechnadzor of 31.03.2016 № 137) – instead of RD 03-409-01;
- Safety Guide «"Methods of assessment of accidents consequences at explosion and fire hazardous chemical plants."» (appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 20.04.2015 № 160);
- Safety Guide "Methods of substantiation of buildings and structures blast resistance at explosions of air-fuel mixtures at hazardous production facilities"(appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 03.06.2016 № 217);
- Safety Guide "Methods of accidents risk analysis at hazardous production facilities of the objects of oil and gas development” (appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 17.08.2015 № 317);
- Safety Guide "Methods of accidents risk analysis at hazardous production facilities of the objects of the offshore oil and gas complex ". (appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 16.09.2015 № 364);
- Safety Guide "Methods of accidents risk assessment at process pipelines related to the movement of explosion and fire hazardous gases "(appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 17.09.2015 № 365);
- Safety Guide "Methods of accidents risk assessment at process pipelines related to the movement of explosion and fire hazardous liquids". (appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 17.09.2015 № 366 );
- Safety Guide «Methods of establishing allowable risk of accident at substantiation of safety of hazardous production facilities of oil and gas complex» (appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 23.08.2016 № 349);
- «Methodical guidelines on assessment of accidents risk level at the main oil pipelines and oil products pipelines» (appr. by OAO «AK «Transneft » of 17.10.2011, RD-13.020.00-KTN -148-11);
- «Methodical guidelines on assessment of accidents risk level at the main oil pipelines» (approved by OAO «AK “Transneft”» 30.12.1999, coordinated with Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia 07.07.1999 № 10-03/418);
- «Methodical guidelines on conducting risk analysis for hazardous production facilities of the objects of gas transportation enterprises of OAO «Gazprom » (STO RD Gazprom 39-1.10-084-2003, participation in development);
- RD 03-496-02 «Methodical recommendations on assessment of damage from accidents at hazardous production facilities» (appr. by the Decree of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia 29.10.2002 № 63)
- Federal Law of 21.07.1997 N 116-FL (version of 13.07.2015) "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities";
- Federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety «General requirements to substantiation of safety of hazardous production facility» (appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 15.07.2013 № 306);
- Safety Guide «Methodical recommendations on the development of Substantiation of Safety of hazardous production facilities of oil and gas complex» (appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 30.09.2015 № 387);
- Safety Guide «Methods of establishing accident tolerable risk at substantiation of safety of oil and gas complex hazardous production facilities» (appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 23.08.2016 № 349);
- RD -03-14-2005 «Procedure of execution of Industrial Safety Declaration of hazardous production facilities and the List of information included in it» (appr. by the Order of Rostechnadzor of 29.11.2005 № 893, registered by the Minyust of Russia 17.01.2006 № 7375; with changes);
- RD 03-357-00 "Methodical recommendations on the development of Industrial Safety Declaration of hazardous production facility " (appr. by the Decree of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of 26.04.2000 № 23).
- Decree of Rostechnadzor of 18.11.2014 N 521 "On introduction of changes in to the Procedure of execution of Industrial Safety Declaration of hazardous production facilities and the List of information included in it approved by the Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of November 29, 2005 N 893" (Registered in Minyust of Russia 17.12.2014 N 35223).