Closed Joint-Stock Company «Scientific technical center of industrial safety problems research»

STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC

ANO «Industrial Risk Research Agency»

Our scientific and personnel potential is the specialists and the scientists engaged in researches in the field of industrial safety since April 7, 1990 under the direction of Dr.Sci.Tech., Professor Vyacheslav Ivanovich Sidorov. Researches started in the Scientific and Technical Center on Safety in Industry and Nuclear Power under Gosgortkhnadzor USSR, continued (in the period 1991-2008) in the Scientific and Technical Center on Safety in Industry (GP, GUP, FGUP, OAO " STC "Industrial safety") first subordinated to the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia), and then to the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor). Since 2008 the researches are being conducted within the frame of organizations forming the group of companies.

Our main type of activities are the scientific researches and development in the field of natural and technical sciences (73.10), public and human sciences (73.20) including the development of the drafts of the normative-legal acts in the field of industrial safety; industrial safety expertise, development of Project Specific Technical Specifications (PSTS/STU); risk analysis, substantiation and declaration of safety; development of industrial safety management system.

In addition we are executing publication and circulation of normatives (22.11), journals and periodicals (22.13) including mass media of Rostechnadzor; we conduct forums, conferences, seminars and exhibitions (74.84) including training, educational work, advanced training in the field of industrial safety and occupational safety (72.20), and also the programs of accident risk assessment at hazardous production facilities.



In the second third of the XX century the world and our country were shaken by major industrial accidents with numerous victims: The 74th year - Fliksboro (Great Britain), the 76th year - Sevezo (Italy), the 78th year - San Carlos (Spain), the 84th year - Bhopal (India), San Juan - Iksuatepek (Mexico), the 86th year - Chernobyl, the 89th year - Ufa, Ionava). The reaction of the Soviet Union to it became the creation on April 7, 1990 (the resolution of Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 335) of the uniform state supervision - the State Committee of the USSR on supervision of safe operation in industry and nuclear power (Gospromatomnadzor of the USSR) which united Gosatomenergonadzor and Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR. The objective of such amalgamation was to improve the state supervision by distribution of the advanced tools accumulated in the objectively more developed and knowledge-intensive nuclear industry for the general purpose industrial enterprises and objects of chemical, petrochemical, gas and oil producing, coal and mining - metallurgical industry, and in its turn the use of Russian experience since Peter the Great Berg College, and also the traditions of the Soviet state regulation when using subsoil, conducting mining operations and works with dangerous mechanisms.

Amalgamation of state supervision bodies led to the transformation of the Scientific and technical center on safety in nuclear power to the Scientific and technical center on safety in industry and nuclear power under Gospromatomnadzor of the USSR. Since this date (7.04.1990) the formation of scientific group had been started which area of interest  became " industrial safety".

Scientific and personnel leadership of industrial division had been delegated to - V.I. Sidorov who had formed the team of researchers and specialists comprising at present our scientific potential (Dr.Sci.Tech.: Pecherkin A.S., Klovach E.V., Buinovski S.N., Lisanov M.V., Kruchinina I.A., Shalayev V.K.; PhD in Technical Sciences: Karabanov Yu. F., Buiko K.V., Churkin G.Yu., Simakin V.V. Grazhdankin A.I., Gontarenko A.F., Agapov A.A., , Sumskoi S.I., etc.).

System scientific researches of industrial safety problems found reflection in the development of the Federal law (116-FL) "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" adopted in 1997. The draft law had been developed by the working group consisting of the officials of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia (Krasnykh B. A., Standrik R. A.) and the specialists of STC «Industrial Safety» subordinated to it (Sidorov V. I., Klovach E.V.) with involvement of scientific lawyers of the Institute of State and Law of Russian Academy of Science (Brinchuk M. M.) and Moscow State University in the name of M. V. Lomonosov (Golichenkov A. K.).

Our specialists developed the normative-legal acts and methodical documents in furtherance of the elements of state regulation enacted by 116-FL , including in the field of identification of hazardous production facilities (Shalayev V.K.), declaration of industrial safety (Pecherkin A.S), accidents risk analysis (Lisanov M.V.), industrial safety expertise, industrial control and investigation of accidents (Karabanov Yu.F., Buiko K.V.), liability insurance (Kruchinina I.A.), certification in the field of industrial safety (Klovach E.V., Gontarenko A.F.), information support of the supervision activity (Agapov A.A.).

As a result of activities of our specialists and research associates the concept itself "industrial safety" both as an independent branch of law and the new scientific discipline has found practical reflection in inclusion into the nomenclature of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of Russia of the new scientific specialty "industrial safety" since 1996 (since 2001 – "fire and industrial safety").


Since the beginning of the formation by the Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated 31.12.1991 of the Scientific and technical center on safety in industry, till 2006 (up to sale of 100% of the government's stake to the private person) has been permanently headed by the Doctor of Technical Science, Professor Sidorov V.I. At the moment he is the President of the Scientific Group of companies including Scientific and Technical Center of Industrial Safety Problems Research -  STC «Industrial safety problems research» (General director, Dr.Sc.Tech., Professor Klovach E.V.), Autonomous Noncommercial Organization «Industrial risk research agency» - ANO «Industrial risk research agency» (Director, Dr.Sci.Tech. Kruchinina I. A.), and the Fund for support of scientific research in the field of industrial safety named after James Bruce – Fund of James Bruce (Director, Dr.Sci.Tech., Professor Pecherkin A.S.).


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В ЗАО НТЦ ПБ прошли обучающие семинары, посвященные применению TOXI+6 Риск

В ЗАО «Научно-технический центр исследований проблем промышленной безопасности» (ЗАО НТЦ ПБ) с 25 по 29 ноября 2024 г. в удаленном режиме прошли два обучающих семинара по использованию программного комплекса TOXI+6 Риск. Программа школы-семинара (25-26.11.24) включала в себя обзор возможностей новой версии TOXI+6 Риск, обзор математических моделей оценки последствий аварийных выбросов опасных веществ, техническую информацию о работе с программой на Linux, о возможностях использования параллельных вычислений и многопользовательской работы, а также практическую часть по работе с базовым функционалом программного комплекса.

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